My experience
Learn more about me
2011 – 2018 : law clerk at the Federal administrative Court in Bern and St. Gallen, Division II (economic affairs, competition and education)
2008 – 2011 : trademark lawyer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) in Bern
2001 – 2007 : business consultant in Zurich
1996 – 2000 : law studies at the Universities of Lausanne and Zurich
Born in 1976, I spent part of my childhood in the Middle East and in French-speaking Switzerland
Specialised Training
CAS in financial market law, University of Zurich
CAS in finance et accounting for lawyers pour juristes, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
French, German, English, Arabic
Chapters on collective investment schemes and auditing supervision in Abrégé de droit commercial, 2017, ed. Pascal Montavon (original title : placements collectifs de capitaux – la surveillance de la révision)
La médiation et la conciliation en droit administratif, Tour d’horizon, Schweizerisches Zentralblatt für Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht 5/2019 (co-author with Jean-Luc Baechler)
Die Revision des Aktienrechts, ergänzt um die Änderungen des GmbH-Rechts und des Genossenschaftsrechts per 1. Januar 2023, in TREX 1/23 (co-author with Pascal Montavon)
Swiss Bar Association
Zurich Bar Association
Swiss Association for Intellectual Property Law (INGRES)